Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS affect mostly women, this is  known as diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal cramp.  IBS is the most common gastrointestinal disorder reported  However, there is no definitely way to diagnose IBS.   There are some conditions that can be ruled out to help determine IBS such as infection by parasites, yeast or pathogen bacteria,  deverticular disease, and inflammatory bowel disease ( as ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease.  Another common cause of IBS is maidgestion ,  inadequate secretion of hydroponic acid in the stomach or digestive enzymes by the pancreas that doesn't allow your food to digest food properly.  Anyway,  there are a lot of information
on IBS, this is just a few of the common problems to look for.   The herbal medicine  that has been studied for this is peppermint,  yes, peppermint.   Peppermint is an effective inhibitor of the colon contractions or spasm which relieves gas.   Peppermint should only be taken in enteric coated capsules.  These capsules are not digestive  until  they reach the small intestine.   However, there are other herbs that are used for IBS that has a historic relationship.    Herbs that can be used is chamomile, ginger, rosemary, Valerian,  and lemon balm,, and  these herbs have also been studied.
If you have IBS try making a cup of tea which these herbs, and put a drop of peppermint in it,  this
will surely help you in a natural way.  I hope this information will help you and of course there
so much more to research if you need more information.