Studies have shown an hour of sleep each night can lead to better health, better eating, and better eating habits. Research studies show that our sleep habits strongly influence our eating habits, and whatever gain or lose body fats. Sleep itself is a good medicine. Lack of sleeps can affect your physical and mental health. Did you know while your are sleeping your body is healing, and repairing itself by learning, and actively preventing chronic disease. When getting your sleep, you wake up refreshed ready to tackle anything, and you are ready to go out and tackle the world. Getting sleep lower your risk of serious health problems indicating type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. Sleep also improve your brain health, and so much more.
Shaw Herbal Medicine is a holistic practice. I feel blessed to help you live a wellness life, and more. We want you to live a better life by learning all the alternatives to becoming healthy by learning about herbal medicine. Herbal medicine has been around since humankind, and is still here to help us, as a Certified Herbalist, it is my goal to help you live a better life from our earth resources. Visit our website at