Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I want to first say that almond oil is one of my favorite oils.  Almond has  a massive amount of nutrients. Almond is the edible seed that grows on the almond trees, it's native to the Middle East and United States.  Almonds are also loaded with antioxidant.   The antioxidant help to protect us against oxidation stress,   which can damage molecules in cells and contributes to aging and diseases like cancer.   Almonds are high in vitamin E, which is great for our hair and nails, and skin.  Several studies have linked higher vitamin E intake with lower rate of heart diseases.  Almond also assist in blood sugar control.  The nuts are low in crabs, but high in healthy fats, protein and fiber, a prefect choice for diabetes.  The magnum also benefits blood pressure levels.  The magnesium in the almond help lower blood pressure.   Almonds can also lower cholesterol levels and prevent harmful oxidation of LDL cholesterol.  Almond actually do more than lower LDLin the blood, they protect the LDL from oxidation which is a  critical step in heart diseases.  We just can't say enough  about almond because eating almonds when hunger lower your overall calories intake,  and will help you to lose weight.  In 1 once of almond you will find fiber 3.5 grams- protein 6 grams- fat 14 grams - vitamin  E 37%  of the RDA -magnesium 30% of the RDA all in 1 ounce,  which is a handful.  I love almonds.