Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Getting Ready For The Holiday Tips

The holiday is approaching fast,  although, our holidays are not normal yet,  we can still get prepared.  Black Friday will be early this year,  and we will start our sale on November 20th through 27th,   We do know that most shopping will be done online this year,  more so than last year,  because of the pandemic.  One sure way to make sure you get your products in time is to start shopping early.    Two,  get in while the sales are going to save money,  and three watch for shipping fees.   A lot of online stores will offer free shipping during this time of year, more saving.    For custom products like wigs, topper, and even candles should be done at least two weeks in advance,  so contact customer service to get the things you want,  the way you want them.     We are going to light up the season with 20% off.   

      SHOP  for herbal medicine,  wigs, toppers, candles and more at www.shawherbalmedicine.com 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Candle Health Benefits


It is scientifically proven that burning candle can have many health benefits.   Scented candle that we make are created with a 100% fragrance oil,  and our medicinal candles are made with 100% essential oils.  Medicinal candles are use for stress, anxiety,  tension, and induce the quality of sleep.  The flickering of the flame and low lighting provided by candle light creates an ambiance of  relaxation.   Everyone loves candles for one reason or another.   Get to improving your life by drinking a hot cup of herbal tea,  while sitting by the candle light.   Enjoy