Sunday, April 10, 2016


People are taking care of there skin more than ever,  and learning to use all natural products.   We are celebrating spring with our all new natural soaps,  because we have been making soaps now for at least 10 years,  and currently have over 18 different soaps for your skin care.  We are also celebrating other soap makers that have came before us,  and making the way for the new generation of soap makers.  I know personally I am still inspire by other soap makers,  and I can sit and watch soap makers all day on YouTube.   I enjoy their inspiration and how happy they are making soaps,  and it's amazing to see the different styles and shape.   So celebrate with me and other soap makers during our spring season.  Find a soap maker that inspires you and make some soaps for yourself and family. I guarantee that you are going to enjoy it,  and check out some of our soap recipes.

Visit our store at  to shop for some of our amazing all natural soaps

Sunday, March 20, 2016


The liver is the largest solid organ in the body.  It can affected by our poor diet and life style.  The liver  is responsible for filtering blood from toxins and converts wasted product from metabolic functions into urea to be eliminated  by urine.  The liver also filter out toxins from the blood stream and synthesizes gluathane , the master antioxidant that helps recycle other spent antioxidants, and it also balance blood sugar that creates blood cells.    We ask,  so why don't people learn to love their liver?   Here are some herbs that will help benefit the liver regardless of it's condition.
(1) Milk Thristle - is highly recommended  for all liver ailments and or protecting a normal liver from daily toxins.   (2)  Dandelion - is another herb safe for the liver,  and with Milk Thristle it's a prefect combination  (3)  Burdock root- purify blood    (4)  Artichoke - is a herb that also assist bile production  and flow.  It help prevent gallstones and can curb jaundice. (5) Turmeric - this is the most clinically  tested,  written about herb for the liver and any and all inflammation.   Lets love our liver, so our liver can love us.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

What Your Feet Is Telling You About Your Health

I am back with a vengeance lol,  and I want to talk to you about your feet and health.  We as a whole do not think about what our feet are telling us about our health.  I know personally before becoming a herbalist,  I didn't think much about natural products or alternative medicine,  nor what my feet was saying about my health.   The truth is there are signs from all parts of our body to let us know when something is wrong,  but now we are only discussing the feet.  The feet is an amazing tool to tell us what is going  on with our health.   Here are some of the things that show some concerns that we should take notice of    (1) when the  skin around your heel or the ball of your foot become dry or cracked or flaky,  this  could be a sign of thyroid problem (2)  when the hair on your toe show that you are loosing hair,  this could be  related to poor blood flow,  and I am sure most people don't notice this.   (3)  The tingle in your feet can be related to nerve damage,  and this is most noticeable.  (4)   The numbness of your feet could be related to type 2 diabetes (5)  The black spots or line under the nail could be  related to melanoma,  especially if you didn't injure your nail.  It also could be nail fungus  infection (6)  the morning foot pain could be a sign of rheumatoid (IRA) .  There are other signs but these are some of the basic signs that you should take notice of,  and get help before it starts.  There are alternative medicine to help you,  do seek an professional herbalist or healthcare professional.   When you notice a sign or a symptom,  then you have time to react.   I hope this will help you,  and answer some of the questions about your feet.  You may have notice and was wondering  about this,  so this is your starting point of understanding your feet and health.